Tuning EPC and SRI instruments to deliver full potential


Energy Agencies

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The tunES project will optimise Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulation and integrate it with the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) roll-out in 7 national Energy Agencies, representing 132 million citizens and develop guidance for other Member StatesThe project will yield two major results:

  • On EU-level, an EPC & SRI practice collection is being openly developed jointly with the NextGenEPC cluster and the SRI cluster. It contains and describes a wide range of practices trialled to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the instruments. The living document to contribute and regularly updated edited version are available here. Over time, the guide will be extended with the methodological guidance to develop suitable national policies in line with the upcoming EPBD (see below).   
  • On national level, the energy agencies will develop seven national policy measure packages including extensively vetted policy options, with clear impact, stakeholder reaction, and concise actions to set the pathway for the upcoming EPBD transition. The agencies will follow the EU Better Regulation Guideline (BRG) to identify and assess the best policy measures including tools for evidence (practice collection, survey, interview), policy design (problem & objective tree and policy options design) and assessment (impact assessment, iteration, prioritisation, roll-out planning) and continuous stakeholder engagement. 

Other Member States are invited to follow the project by using the evidence collection and/or applying the methodological guidance and receiving support from the research organisations, forming the Technical Support Team (TST). To follow the project write us an email.

tunES Technical Support and Assistance Framework

Knowledge Exchange

Data collection and
stakeholder engagement

Policy options design
and exante testing

Analysis and
Impact assessment


National Policy Measures

EU-wide Guidance

Improved EPC & SRI


Member States (MS) are facing common challenges to make EPC and SRI work: the goal is to maximise the impact of upcoming national policy measures on both instruments and exploiting synergies of their integration in order to trigger energy savings, while simultaneously avoiding unnecessary administrative burden and other transaction costs all of which requires consistency across instruments.

tunES structures this challenge into five building blocks to collect, share, implement and replicate good practice:

  • Understanding EPC – What are the failures / successes in each Member State?
  • Upgrading EPC – What and how can EPCs be expanded, upgraded and made more efficient?
  • Databases and Tools – Which database architecture and functionality add value?
  • SRI Development and Deployment – How to effectively deploy SRIs?
  • Integration of Instruments – Which design principles ensure user-friendly consistency?

The results will be published in a continuously growing compendium.


The following graphic summarises the progress and stages of the methodology as well as key results.

Phase 1
First version
EPC&SRI practice collection
Phase 2
First drafts
Problem Tree & Drivers
Phase 3
Phase 4
Policy Options
Phase 5
Ex-Ante Testing
Phase 6
Impact Assessment
Phase 7
Roll-out Pathway


Seven MS are represented in tunES through the energy agency organisations of Austria (AEA), Croatia (EHIP), Greece (CRES), Hungary (EMI), Italy (ENEA), Poland (KAPE) and Slovenia (JSI).

Technical support is provided by EMPIRICA (coordinator), who provides BRG services in multiple framework contracts with the EC and will be supported by technical experts from UNICAS, DTU, LUT to analyse experience across countries, as well as to support and assist MS relating technical issues.

empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH

Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

Centre for Renewable Energy Sources

Polish National Energy Conservation Agency

Energy institute Hrvoje Požar

Jožef Stefan Institute

Építésügyi Minőségellenőrző Innovációs Nonprofit Kft

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

Lublin University of Technology

Technical University of Denmark