
Eighth e-Leadership Cluster Event in Aarhus: Views from Denmark and the Nordic countries on new skills for business development and ICT in innovation

By stating that technology itself does not disrupt: it is the use and management of technology that is disrupting – he underlined the importance of an education ecosystem with strong stakeholder interaction to develop and widely spread the skills needed within the workforce to best cope with this and address it properly: which are now called e-leadership skills.

Participating representatives from industry, public administration and NGOs from Denmark and neighbouring countries sent clear signals that there is a growing and critical lack of e-leaders in the economy, that is, individuals who are at the same time ICT savvy, business savvy and have the ability and skills to lead multi-disciplinary teams across functional and geographical boundaries. It-Vest representing three Danish universities: supported by the guidelines for curriculum development which have been developed as part of the European Commission e-leadership initiative ( – demonstrated how they are going to deliver these through their highly flexible ‘Master in IT’ programme in the future to improve the quality of e-leadership, covering organisation leadership in ICT innovation to deliver business value.

The full summary report can be downloaded here:

Impressions from the event on ‘New Curricula for e-Leadership – Delivering Skills for an innovative and competitive Europe’ organised under the umbrella the European Commission’s initiative to promote e-Leadership, together with it-forum and it-Vest on 9th October 2014 at Centralví¦rkstedet, Aarhus.