Data protection notice

The protection of personal data is important to us. For this reason, this website is operated in accordance with applicable law on data protection and data security. In particular this concerns the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and the Telemediengesetz (TMG). We collect, process and use personal data for a number of purposes, in particular, to provide you on this website with content and services of interest.

Processing of personal data and your rights

Personal data are processed by empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH whose registered address is

Oxfordstr. 2
53111 Bonn

Phone number: +49 228 98530-0
Email: moc.a1729224259cirip1729224259me@of1729224259ni1729224259

The purpose in processing personal data is to reach as many people as may wish to contribute to or learn the results of our research, consultancy and other work. Processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by empirica, in particular for research, consultancy and other work for clients in the public and private sector. Moreover, personal data are processed in order to carry out online meetings, webinars, and conferences (in the following “online meetings”).

The data we process originate from various sources, including registration and participation in one of our events or in public events organised for example by the European Commission, collaboration in our projects, and from publicly accessible sources such as information provided on the internet.

The categories of personal data which are processed include general personal information such as name, e-mail address or portrait picture. Reports, presentations and other documents which are exchanged with the author directly or indirectly can also be processed. In the case of online meetings and other events, recordings and photos may be processed. The data may be shared with clients and project partners if this is necessary for carrying out our research, consultancy and other work, including such as for event organisation or survey administration. Data may be shared with third-party online meeting platforms. The recipients of data in an online meeting include the other participants in the meeting.

Personal information is never processed for longer than necessary. All general personal data is deleted at the latest when it loses relevance for the purposes of our research, consultancy and other work.

You may request access to personal data collected and stored, as well as rectification, restriction or erasure of personal data, and may lodge an objection to processing. You also have the right to data portability and the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.