
Artificial TEST Intelligence in Health Care – empirica researcher holds keynote in Estonia

“How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in Health Care? Legal, Ethical, and Technical Issues in Artificial Intelligence Deployment” was the topic of the 4th “Tervisekogukonna kärajad 2019” (Community Health Discussion Forum): a traditional meeting of the Estonian health community in the last days of summer. This year’s event took place on 27 August, at the Laitse Graniitvilla, a historical granite building surrounded by a large sculpture garden with numerous monumental sculptures located outside of the Estonian capital Tallinn.

The conference was opened by the Minister of the Social Affairs, Tanel Kiik. empirica senior research fellow Prof. Dr. Karl A. Stroetmann presented the introductory keynote on “Artificial Intelligence in healthcare: Definition, Applications, and Challenges“. The conference was organised by the Estonian Science Park Tehnopol eHealth Hub and the Estonian Connected Health Cluster, and attended by more than 125 people.