
Book edited by David Audretsch about entrepreneurship education at universities based on empirica-led study is now published

Following the completion of the study “supporting the entrepreneurial potential of higher education” (sepHE) for the European Commission’s Directorate-General Education and Culture, Springer now published a book with the study’s 20 case studies and an academic assessment. Renowned entrepreneurship professor David B. Audretsch from Indiana University, US, who was a member of the study’s peer group, edited the book together with Christine K. Volkmann who holds the Chair for Entrepreneurship and Intercultural Management at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. empirica co-ordinated the sepHE study from 2013 to 2015. Seven case studies were written by empirica authors. “This book is a final milestone of the study”, says empirica project manager Stefan Lilischkis very pleased. “It may give the study’s findings significant attention in the academic sphere.” The book’s title is “Entrepreneurship Education at Universities: Learning from Twenty European Cases”, issued in the series “International Studies in Entrepreneurship”.

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This study is responding to the need to develop a stronger evidence base of the entrepreneurial potential of higher education and derive lessons for policy development. The study team focuses on activities which have a particular impact on the educating students.
Research & Innovation