
empirica deploys SINTEG in Japan-Germany Industry Forum

For the first time, not the federal states but the SINTEG showcase regions were the central structuring feature in the 16th edition of the Japan-Germany Industry Forum (JGIF). The JGIF promotes the exchange of ideas, innovation and investment between Japan and Germany. It is organised by the GTAI and was supported by empirica to deploy SINTEG show cases in a programme dedicated to “Opportunities in Germany’s Energy Transition”. The virtual event enabled a fourfold number of typical registrations in Japan, beyond the borders of Tokyo.

The showcases presented themselves in pitch, in a panel discussion and in freely designed and live breakout sessions. The second day of the event focused on real labs and structural change, followed by two days for bilateral networking. The panel discussed learnings, the next steps in the showcases and opportunities for German-Japanese cooperation.

The recordings are available after registration at The platform also promotes the SINTEG network on, LinkedIn and ResearchGate.

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Empirica, as part of the consortium for the project, was chosen by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to carry out accompanying research and evaluate the large SINTEG programme, which sets out to showcase large-scale solutions to renewables integration.