
empirica twinning approach featured in the Research*EU magazine as a successful example of innovative digital healthcare technology

empirica project DigitalHealthEurope’s (DHE) twinnings have been featured in the Research*EU magazine as a successful tool for advancing digital transformation in the European healthcare systems in the wake of covid-19 pandemic!

The DHE twinnings are highly specific, innovative digital healthcare solutions which were successfully implemented by their creators (originator), and are being transferred to the other healthcare providers (adopter). As a part of the DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) project, with empirica being one of the partners, a total of 25 such projects have been carefully selected and funded. All of the twinnings are designed to ensure better solutions for person-centred and technologically advanced healthcare across Europe.

The article also highlightes other valuable contributions of the DigitalHealthEurope project such as the catalogue of digital solutions, the catalogue of mature telehealth applications published during the COVID crisis, and several guidelines and recommendations on the development of innovative healthcare technology. “In a little under 2 years, DigitalHealthEurope has successfully managed to establish itself as the go-to platform for different stakeholders who wish to share information, receive support and learn about the digital transformation of health and care in Europe,” concluded the magazine.

Read the full article here.

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