The ESPON conference on “The Future of e-Health: designing evidence-based policies in the era of data-driven healthcare” took place on 22 May, 2019 in Oulu, Finland. The DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) project participated in the event and showcased its ambitious twinning scheme.
empirica coordinates the DHE project and oversees the twinning scheme. A open call was launch on 11 June 2019 to fund more than 45 Twinnings with a total budget of almost 1 million Euro.
At the ESPON congerence, the scheme was presented as part of a session on transnational / cross-border cooperation via platforms, partnerships and agreements on digital infrastructures. Veli Stroetmann, Head of eHealth Research & Policy with empirica, delivered the presentation. The focus fell on explaining the concept of twinning more broadly as well. It highlighted experiences from the ScaleAHA Twinning Scheme, previously coordinated by empirica in 2016. The ESPON presentation slides are available here.
The DigitalHealthEurope Call for Twinnings is open between 11 June and 07 August 2019.