
Final report and 20 case studies about entrepreneurship education at European universities published

empirica now published the final report and 20 case studies of the study “supporting the entrepreneurial potential of higher education” (sepHE). The final report and an appendix document with all case studies are available at the study’s homepage ( The single case studies can be accessed at a dedicated sub-site ( The full set of cases includes the Universities of Cambridge, Coimbra, Huddersfield, Lií¨ge, Linz, Ljubljana, Lüneburg, Lund, Osijek, Rotterdam, Southern Denmark as well as Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Dublin City University, Kaunas Technical University, Technical University of Kosice, Kozminski University, EM Lyon, and Milan Polytechnic University.

The findings show that European universities perform a wealth of approaches to entrepreneurship education (EE). However, impediments to develop EE further remain. The study found six principal challenges and possible solutions: (1) Overcoming reservations against EE; (2) Assuring sustainable finance for EE; (3) Assuring curricular EE quality; (4) Assuring quality of extra-curricular EE activities; (5) Universities’ networks with external stakeholders often lack scope and strength; (6) Measuring outcomes and impact of EE.

empirica co-ordinated this study on behalf of the European Commission’s Directorate-General Education and Culture. The University of Wuppertal’s Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovations Research (iENTIRE) was a partner in this study. Four renowned experts in the field of entrepreneurship education guided the study: David Audretsch (Indiana University, US), Paul Hannon (Swansea University, UK), Paula Kyrö (professor for education and entrepreneurship, Finland), and Jonathan Potter (OECD).

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This study is responding to the need to develop a stronger evidence base of the entrepreneurial potential of higher education and derive lessons for policy development. The study team focuses on activities which have a particular impact on the educating students.
Research & Innovation