
Forecasting the e-Skills Gap: More than 500.000 vacant ICT jobs in Europe by 2015

ICT job vacancies 2012: 2015 in Europe

Source: Eurostat LFS, IDC Europe. empirica calculations and forecasts (Gareis, K., Hüsing, T., Bludova, I., Schulz, C., Korte, W.B.: e-Skills: Monitoring and Benchmarking Policies and Partnerships in Europe (Final Report for the European Commission, forthcoming December 2013)

Research from empirica commissioned by the European Commission shows that job growth is largest in highly skilled jobs such as those relating to Management, Architecture and Analysis positions, where also e-Leadership skills are required. These are usually recruited from the seasoned ICT practitioner pool and other (non-ICT) managers. While the overall ICT workforce has grown by 2% in just one year from 2011 to 2012 and is likely to grow by 3% by 2015. Already this figure is impressive but when only focusing on ICT practitioner skills the growth rates are even higher with currently 4% and 10%, by 2015. The by far highest and top growth rates are going to be achieved for those ICT jobs at management, business architecture and analysis level. Here possible growth rates are five times as high as the overall average. In the last year their number has increased by an impressive 9%, a figure which will further grow up to 16% until 2015.