The sectoral pilots, carried out by PwC, implied conducting an in-depth analysis of the status quo regarding skills issues in a selected KET in three Member States. Based on this analysis, a set of customised recommendations was developed aiming at tackling the key KETs skills-related challenges in each of the three Member States. The recommendations were fine-tuned during dedicated sectoral pilot implementation workshops.
In the United Kingdom, the sectoral pilot workshop took place at the site of technology company Rehishaw, near Bristol, on 17 March 2015. It was co-hosted by Renishaw and the National Microelectronics Institute (NMI). In France, the sectoral pilot workshop took place at the site of MINATEC on the GIANT innovation campus, near Grenoble, on 30 March 2015. In Germany, the workshop was co-hosted by Silicon Saxony cluster organisation and took place on 1 April 2015 in Dresden.
The results of the status quo analysis and the workshops are currently being processed into the final versions of the sectoral pilot reports, with close engagement of the relevant stakeholders. The key highlights of the sectoral pilots will be presented during the European Conference on Skills for Key Enabling Technologies and Digital Economy, to be held on 1-2 June 2015 in Brussels.