
Study: empirica among top 20 EU personal health system RTD organisations

[Bonn/Brussels, 11 April 2013] empirica is among the top 20 most connected organisations involved in the EU’s RTD activities around personal health systems. This is the finding of a study carried out by the Austrian Institute of Technology, the University of Manchester and Impetu Solutions. The study analysed among other things the connectedness of various organisations through projects funded under the European Commission’s Framework Programme 7, Competitiveness & Innovation Programme and the AAL Joint Programme. The German Fraunhofer Gesellschaft came out on top, followed by the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and 18 more, including industry players such as Philips or Telefonica, but also service providers such as the University of Hull in the UK and eTrikala S.A. in Greece.

“For us this means on the one hand a recognition of our long years of activity in the field, but also a kind of humbling reminder to keep striving for high quality work”, says Lutz Kubitschke, Senior Consultant and co-ordinator of several of empirica’s projects in the field. He and his team can look back to years of work and a large number of projects and studies focussing on the development of PHS services and the better understanding of the European market place. “I have always been a strong believer in EU-wide collaboration, only this allows us to make the concept of personal health systems a reality”, is how Veli Stroetmann, Senior Research Fellow and one of empirica’s leading eHealth experts, sees things. empirica has been active in ICT for health and ICT for older people since its founding in the 1980s and can look back to more than 50 projects and studies in the field.

You can read more about the PHS Foresight study here:

The full report [PDF] is available from here: