
Workshop: SME requirements for e-leadership skills and development of new e-leadership programmes and courses for SMEs

At the fourth Expert Workshop organised as part of the service contract ‘e-Leadership for SMEs’ for the European Commission on 20 November 2014 at PIN-SME the results from the preparatory activities from the ‘e-leadership training course demonstration’ will be presented. This will include the presentation of the:

  • Results from the e-leadership skills requirements capture work involving several hundred SMEs in interviews and a survey in several European countries
  • Specifications of suitable e-leadership training programmes and courses conforming to the needs of SMEs
  • E-leadership programmes and courses for SMEs as they have been designed and are / will be implemented by 5 leading business schools and universities in 5 European countries from now onwards.

Demonstration of these activities is planned for late 2014 and 2015.

At the workshop the approach taken in LEAD and results achieved so far will be discussed.
A full report on the results and achievements will follow in the next newsletter.

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LEAD has developed targeted actions for start-ups and fast growing SMEs to provide them with relevant e-leadership skills and qualifications for entrepreneurs, managers and advanced ICT users that are recognized transnationally.
eSkills & Work