

Balanced European Conservation Approach – ICT services for resource saving in social housing






DG INFSO, European Commission (EC)

The BECA project started in January 2011 and aims to help Europe meet emission targets by achieving a significant reduction of energy consumption in European social housing. Building on existing services providing feedback on energy consumption to social housing tenants, BECA will develop, provide and pilot advanced ICT-based Resource Use Awareness Services (RUAS) and Resource Management Services (RMS). Supported financially by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support Programme, 18 organisations are cooperating in the project to provide these services directly to social housing tenants. Pilots of BECA services are located at 7 sites in 7 countries:

  • Örebro in Sweden,
  • Manresa in Spain,
  • Darmstadt in Germany,
  • Torino in Italy,
  • Havirov in the Czech Republic,
  • Ruse in Bulgaria, and
  • Belgrade in Serbia.