
Cross-border Healthcare Directive

Evaluative Study on the Cross-border Healthcare Directive






DG SANCO, European Commission (EC)

The European Union Cross-Border Healthcare Directive of 2011 (2011/24/EU) established rules for facilitating the access to high-quality healthcare within the European Union while respecting the freedom of each Member State to decide on what type of healthcare it provides. This includes decisions about the basket of healthcare to which citizens are entitled and the mechanisms to organize, finance and deliver it. The study was commissioned by the European Commission ““ Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) and carried out by a empirica along with KPMG Advisory and Technopolis Group. Goal of the study was to provide an initial assessment of selected impacts of the Directive on cross-border healthcare/patient mobility 2014 ““ 2015. The cross-border healthcare directive study aimed at analysing the functioning of the Directive by means of a number of evaluative questions: reimbursement of cross-border healthcare; quality and safety of cross-border healthcare; undue delay. The study was carried out at EU-28 level with the aim of gathering reliable and comparable information from all Member States on the implementation of the Directive.