
e-Skills Policies

Monitoring and Benchmarking e-Skills Policies






DG ENTR, European Commission (EC)

The general goal of the study “Monitoring and Benchmarking e-Skills Policies and Partnerships” is to monitor key indicators and scenarios on the supply and the demand of e-skills and to benchmark national policy initiatives and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the European Union. To this end, the study will analyse the evolution of the supply and demand in the last ten years, which will provide a robust basis for understanding the impact of the initiatives launched at EU and national level since 2008, to propose new approaches (wherever appropriate) to remedy the situation and to identify better ways and more efficient means to foster multi-stakeholder partnerships to reduce e-skills shortages, gaps and mismatches.

The study has to be seen against the Commission’s Communication on “e-Skills for the 21st Century”(2007) which presented a long term e-skills agenda, “The Digital Agenda” (2010) and the Communication “Towards a Job-rich Recovery”(2012) which include new proposals regarding e-skills.

The project covers all 27 EU Member States. The activities are supported by experts and national correspondents from empirica’s ENIR network ( in the different countries.