

Tool to Evaluate Energy Efficiency Measures






DG CNECT, European Commission (EC)

eeMeasure is a software tool developed for the European Commission, which enables social housing organisations and municipalities to quickly evaluate their energy policies. Available online since January 2012, eeMeasure allows for a harmonised way of recording and calculating energy savings of ICT PSP funded projects, through a consistent methodology. In turn this enables the European Commission and other interested parties to produce a better quantitative analysis on the energy savings potential of ICT based solutions in residential and non-residential buildings. The software tool is designed to facilitate the evaluation of all kinds of energy saving effects produced by a variety of ICT-based solutions, including behavioural changes due to installed ICT solutions and improved public awareness through ICT-based services.

As of July 2015, over 10 projects and a total of around 100 sites calculated their results in the eeMeasure tool. The overall results report for a total savings at the level of 20% and about 4 GWh saved, out of which, 1,7 GWh from the residential buildings and 2,3 GWh from non-residential spaces. Findings from the evaluation and quantitative estimation provided by the tool based on project data are publicly available online.