
eHealth Impact

Study on Economic Impacts of e-Health






DG INFSO, European Commission (EC)

Presently, despite the availability of e-Health systems and services, they are not yet widely used in real-life medical or health situations. A major reason why European and national policy goals have so far not been achieved with respect to e-health is that very little reliable evidence is available on the positive (economic and other) impacts of these innovations. The objectives of this project are:
to develop a generic assessment and evaluation framework and method, including measurement tools for quantitative indicators, for e-health products and services, focusing on optimising economic resource allocation;
identification of good practice examples of e-health applications across Member States which have relevance in the domain of this study (hospitals, regional networks);
integrating the experience and lessons learned from these examples into the method;
applying the method and measurement tools developed to 10 application sites reflecting the regional and health system diversity of the Union in the fields of hospitals and regional networks;
making the assessment method and tools generally available online.