
eHealth market forecast

Market sizing & five year forecast for the overall Healthcare ICT market across Europe






European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR)

The overall goal of this study by empirica GmbH (Bonn, Germany) and data information intelligence GmbH (Leipzig, Germany), is to provide statistical insights on the current state of deployment of eHealth across Europe and to define an appropriate longer-term procedure for estimating and assessing the eHealth market and its potential, thereby supporting COCIR (European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) and industry in their efforts towards developing the European and global market and realising the benefits of eHealth. The specific objectives are to:

  • Identify and collect existing market (research) data which can be used to produce an initial market sizing and 5 years forecasts for the overall eHealth or HC ICT market across Europe.
  • Provide a segmentation in terms of products/solutions, geographies and customers.
  • Design a comprehensive, consistent research and methodology framework as a fundamental step towards a more comprehensive market research and analysis activity as continuation of this market sizing and forecast exercise, which will evolve over the years to come.

The study aims to cover as many of the 27 EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland as feasible and where such data can be obtained within the temporal and budgetary limitations of the study.