
eHealth Strategies

eHealth Strategies






DG INFSO, European Commission (EC)

The eHealth Strategies study will assess the progress made by EU-Member States in their efforts towards realising the goals of the European Union eHealth Action Plan. This strategy document, published by the European Commission in 2004, identified fields of required action to achieve eHealth interoperability in Europe. Building on the insights of the eHealth ERA project (final results brochure), which was also commissioned to empirica, the study team will describe, measure and assess:

  • national eHealth policies, strategies and implementation measures
  • progress achieved, focusing on selected eHealth Action Plan priorities
  • European and national actions which may support the further realisation of the eHealth Action Plan

At the end of the study, a summary European level progress report will be published. It will include

  • main findings and an assessment of progress made by Member States and other European countries towards realising key objectives of the eHealth Action Plan,
  • lessons learned in this context and best practices from national eHealth programme planning and implementation,
  • recommendations on areas where EC support as well as further coordination and collaboration among Member States may be warranted.