In addressing “eInclusion and eAccessibility” issues, this study will provide scientific support to a key policy objective of the European Union – that of ensuring that every citizen has the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the Information Society. Main target groups will be older and disabled people as well as other at-risk groups.
A key goal is to establish a comprehensive empirical knowledge base to support all aspects of the policy-making process in relation to eAccessibility and eInclusion, thereby focusing on three topical areas:
- eAccessibility issues emerging from the eEurope 2005 action plan and roadmap, the inclusive electronic communication legal framework, the public procurement and other relevant policy frameworks
- eAccess to employment, re-skilling for older and disabled citizens
- eAccess to online public services (such as eGovernment, eLearning and eHealth)
A particular focus of the project will also be the inclusion of chronically ill and disabled persons into the Information Society, e.g. via eHealth services.
The research will also identify “best practice” examples of policy and research on these eAccessibility and eInclusion topics, and make recommendations for innovative, practicable policy strategies and implementation measures.
Over 30 months, partners located in 8 old and new Member States and from Switzerland will cooperate on these issues. In addition, all other European Union Member States and Candidate Countries will be covered by national correspondents.