

Analysis of the role of Creativity and Innovation in school curricula in the EU27






DG JRC, European Commission (EC), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)

The objective of the study is to carry out an analysis of the role of Creativity and Innovation in school curricula. The study aims to review if and how Member States are foreseeing Creativity and Innovation in their educational policies, to what extent they are supporting them and if practices reflect the policy priorities.

In a nutshell, the study is supposed to collect evidence and analyse the present state of affairs in the 27 EU Member States on the role of, or lack of, Creativity and Innovation in school curricula and/or learning objectives, at primary and secondary level. The aim of the study is “to provide a better understanding of how Innovation and Creativity are framed within the EU Member States learning objectives and practices of education and training at primary and secondary level.” empirica is cooperating with a network of national partners and subcontractors (including organisations and individual experts) in the countries to be covered by the study, thus ensuring efficient information gathering and content analysis of the documents of relevance in these countries.

The experts come from the ENIR – European Network for Information Society Research ( ), a network established by empirica in 2001. The selection of the relevant documents and the validation of the results from the content analysis will be ensured through the national members of EUN – European Schoolnet, i.e. 31 European Ministries of Education from EU Member States.