

Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools






DG INFSO, European Commission (EC)

empirica together with TNS Emor, Tallinn (Estonia) as a survey organisation will obtain through teacher and head teacher surveys estimates for the indicator on e-learning “number of pupils per computer with internet connection (broadband/non-broadband)” and relate it to other possible indicators of educational use of ICT in compulsory education (e-learning in schools); secondly, look at how ICT are used in schools and provide a measurement of ICT usage in schools regarding the incorporation of ICT in the curricula and the development of new learning methods; and thirdly, provide an interpretation and analysis of the results in an overall report which will also include a description of the situation in each country and overall conclusions. Accordingly the study will carry out a head teacher survey; construct, in cooperation with DG Information Society and Media and DG Education and Culture, new and innovative indicators which can be used to provide a measurement of ICT usage in schools regarding the incorporation of ICT in the curricula and the development of new learning methods; develop an appropriate questionnaire for surveying these indicators in a European-wide classroom teacher survey; develop an overall analysis report which will also include “fiches” describing the situation in each country, as well as an overall conclusion. The study and surveys will cover all 25 EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland. Thus this study will significantly enhance the capacity of the eEurope and i2010 programmes to achieve their goals in relation to monitoring and benchmarking e-learning, a key aspect of information society developments in the old and the New Member States.

The final report of the study “Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools” dated September 2006 which summarises the results of a survey of aroound 20,000 head teacher and classroom teachers in all EU Member States, Norway and Iceland can be downloaded from the i2010 website or on  our website

The altogether 27 Country Briefs on “Use of Computers and the internet in Schools in Europe 2006” are made available at the i2010 website.