

European Quality Labelling and Certification of Electronic Health Record Systems






DG INFSO, European Commission (EC)

The EHR has evolved to become centre-stage in the national health informatics strategies in Europe. There is a need for interoperability standards that can permit clinical computer systems to share health record data whilst preserving faithfully the clinical meaning of the individual authored contributions.

Q-REC’S main objective is therefore to create an efficient, credible and sustainable mechanism for the certification of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems in Europe by addressing

  • – EHR Systems Quality Labelling and Certification Development
  • – Resources for EHR interoperability
  • – Benchmarking Services

The core objectives of Q-REC will be to define a Model with harmonised guidelines and procedures for EHR systems certification and to incorporate the formal test plans into a Benchmarking Process Manual for quality labelling and certification of EHR systems across Europe.

The main kinds of outputs that will be accumulated through the Q-REC work packages are as follows.

  • A State of the Art Report on existing EHRs Certification Schemata;
  • A Labelling Terminology and Functional Profiles for classification of EHRs to be certified;
  • Model Certification Guidelines and Procedures;
  • A Benchmarking Services Manual for EHRs Quality Labelling and Certification;
  • An Inventory of Resources for HER Interoperability, with registers of Quality
  • Conformance Criteria, EHR-Archetypes, XML schemes, Health Coding Systems and relevant EHR Standards;
  • A fully worked out Business Plan.

empirica is involved in Q-REC  as a subcontractor.