

Semantic Interoperability Deployment and Research Roadmap






DG INFSO, European Commission (EC)

The semantic aspects of interoperability have only recently been recognised as the major enabling factor for the safe and sensible communication of patient data. Health language is very large and diverse, and as such not equalled by other professional languages. This SemanticHEALTH SSA develops a European and global roadmap for deployment and research in health-ICT, focusing on semantic interoperability issues of e-Health systems and infrastructures. The roadmap will be based on consensus of the research community, and validated by stakeholders, industry and Member State health authorities. It

  • identifies key short-term (2-5 years) and medium-term (4-10 years) needs to achieve semantic interoperability of e-Health systems
  • analyses unsolved issues arising in the context of realistic approaches to priority clinical and public health settings
  • takes account of the impact of non-technological (health policy, legal, socio-economic)aspects
  • reflects and integrates results of related FP6 studies.

The consortium and associated experts represent centres of excellence from fourcontinents and the WHO.

empirica is involved in semanticHEALTH as a subcontractor.