
Call for Chapters: Beyond Silos – The why and how of integrated eCare

As part of the “Beyond Silos” activies, INDEPENDENT partner empirica edits a book on the topic of integrated eCare. The book will take stock of what already exists in the area of integrated eCare, i.e. the joint provision of healthcare, social care and third sector services (services provided by charities, voluntary organizations etc.) enabled by ICT. It will thus provide a compendium of knowledge available in the field of integrated eCare and will give people active in the field the opportunity to learn from the knowledge gained and the experiences made so far. The overall aim is to produce a collection of knowledge that provides relevant insights to be used by health and social care professionals and providers, third sector organisations, researchers and decision makers engaging in integrated eCare. The book will to our knowledge be the first collection available on the topic of integrated eCare.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • Requirements and framework conditions: what it takes to make integrated eCare services work
  • Case studies: how integrated eCare services work
  • Business models: how to make integrated eCare a viable reality
  • Governance: how decision makers can enable integrated eCare
  • Impacts: costs and benefits of integrated eCare to the individual and to society
  • Evaluation methods: how to measure impacts of integrated eCare

The Call for Chapters can be downloaded here…

Interested to submit a chapter? Please contact Ingo Meyer ingo.meyer[at] or Sonja.Müller sonja.mueller[at]

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BeyondSilos is an EU co-funded pilot project that allows providers in 7 European regions to implement and pilot integrated social and health care services. Up to 10,000 people in Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany are receive improved services by 2015.
Digital Health, eCare & Ageing