
Digital Health, General

#SmartHealthSystems: Sonderbericht “Sekundärnutzung von Daten in elektronischen Patientenakten”

Was früher bis zu vier Jahre dauern konnte, soll nun zum Wohle der Patienten beschleunigt werden. Mit zwei Gesetzen will das Gesundheitsministerium unter Jens Spahn (CDU) die nötigen Voraussetzungen schaffen, elektronische Patientendaten künftig schneller für verschiedene Bereich
Digital Health, General

C3-Cloud final conference on tackling multimorbidity through digital health tools

The “C3-Cloud conference on tackling multimorbidity through digital health tools” took place on 28 August 2020. empirica and other C3-Cloud partners shared and discussed the latest insights from the project, which is in its final project stage.
Digital Health, General

Cross-border interoperability of Electronic Health Records

The increasing optimisation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and emerging digital health tools and apps are raising high expectations of the seemingly endless possibilities of digitisation in future healthcare.
eSkills & Work, General

Two weeks left until eSkills2030 online workshop!

Two weeks left until the eSkills2030 online workshop on T-shaped skills intiatives by industry on 15th September! empirica will host this session together with ISSIP and PwC Luxembourg, presenting three initiatives from various countries and sectors.
eSkills & Work, General

T-shaped skills for industry live

Three weeks left until our online webinar on 15th September in eSkills2030: Fostering New Services and Jobs Creation (a service contract for the European Commission).
eSkills & Work, General

eSkills2030 – Online Workshop in September

Explore engaging T-shaped skills initiatives for data-based services! Registrations are open for our second online workshop on 15th September in eSkills2030 – Skills for Industry.
Digital Health, General

#SmartHealthSystems: Sonderbericht Telemedizin veröffentlicht: Deutschland noch ohne klares Zukunftsbild

Als Begleiterscheinung der aktuellen Corona-Pandemie ist der Einsatz von Telemedizin in Deutschland und vielen Ländern rapide angestiegen, um angemessen auf die veränderten Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen reagieren zu können.
Energy, General, Research & Innovation

empirica quoted in major VDE publication on the impact of the digitisation of energy nets on the future of ‘energy’ jobs: need for intensive re- and upskilling

In its major publication ‘VDI Nachrichten’ of 26th June 2020, the German electronics association VDE* reported about some of the results of the accompanying research work of empirica in the programme SINTEG.
eSkills & Work, General, Research & Innovation

empirica contribution to latest DESI Report: Study on “Retail Broadband Prices in Europe, 2019-2021″

empirica is happy to announce the launch of the European Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) for 2020 by DG CNECT on June 11th. DESI is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU Member States.
eSkills & Work, General, Research & Innovation

Tallinn workshop on entrepreneurship education: more teacher support recommended

From 5 to 7 November 2019, empirica co-organised a workshop on entrepreneurship education in Tallinn, Estonia’s capital city. It was the second of three workshops in the project “peer-learning in entrepreneurship education and in women’s entrepreneurship”, coordinated by empirica
Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, General, Inclusive Society, Research & Innovation

Apply now! empirica-led DigitalHealthEurope Second Call for Twinnings officially open

Between 26 February and 04 May, 2020, empirica is overseeing the application phase of the DigitalHealthEurope (DHE) Twinning Scheme, The Second Call for Twinnings will provide a total of ~€399,000 in funding to more than 28 twinnings.
Energy, General

SINTEG @ E-world 2020: empirica organised forum sessions on highlights, real-life labs and participation

At the E-world 2020 energy & water 2020 (, empirica organised three thematic sessions in the Energy Transition Forum, presenting insights from the programme SINTEG: Showcases Intelligent Energy (