
e-Skills Policies

The general goal of the study “Monitoring and Benchmarking e-Skills Policies and Partnerships” is to monitor key indicators and scenarios on the supply and the demand of e-skills and to benchmark national policy initiatives and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the European Union
eSkills & Work

High-growth enterprises

There is uncertainty about how to best design policy measures to support high-growth innovative enterprises in order to reach the desired impact. This study is designed to provide answers to some of the open questions about HGIEs and policies to foster them across Europe.
Research & Innovation


The study analysed the evolution of the supply and demand in the last ten years to provide a robust basis for understanding the impact of the initiatives launched at EU and national level since 2008, to propose new approaches to remedy the situation.
eSkills & Work

R&I efficiency

The strategic objective of the services to be provided in this study are to support policy-makers in designing policies for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of R&I systems at regional, national and EU-level.
Research & Innovation


The main goal of the PALANTE project is to empower patients allowing them to make informed decisions about their health and take an active role in their care and collaborate effectively with their healthcare team thanks to the use of information and communication technologies.
Digital Health


The objective of the QUALITY study issued by the European Commission was to develop quality labels for industry-based training and certification which at the same time are compatible with the European Commission 2009 Recommendations.
eSkills & Work


In SMARTSPACES, ICT-based services for public buildings have been evaluated in 11 pilots in 8 countries across Europe. Almost 600 buildings were equipped with the ICT-solution. The services are designed to evaluate the impact on overall energy consumption in public buildings.


The purpose of this study was to provide unbiased empirical evidence how the supply and demand for ICT-related skills is evolving in Europe under different socio-economic scenarios. The study design requires a combination of different data collection techniques and applications.
eSkills & Work


eeMeasure is a software tool developed for the European Commission, which enables social housing organisations and municipalities to quickly evaluate their energy policies. The tool has been available since January 2012.


DISCIPULUS aims at the ‘digital VPH patient’. This initiative develops new ways of combining this rich patient information space into a visual and coherent way of generating new clinical information and creating a “patient avatar” capable of supporting medical professionals.
Digital Health

X-border ePrescription

X-border ePrescription was a research based project which centered around preparing draft guidelines on interoperable, cross border ePrescriptions. The study was contracted to empirica by the European Commission and and member states further adopted these guidelines.
Digital Health

eHealth Innovation

eHealth Innovation (eHI) is an EU-funded Thematic Network (TN) working to develop consensus among stakeholders on required actions to further the deployment of more personalised eHealth services across Europe.
Digital Health
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