
eHealth Benchmarking

This is the second study in a series of three linked studies to develop eHealth benchmarking at European level. The study will cover all 27 EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland as well as Canada and the USA.
Digital Health


Based on advanced text, image and structured data mining of about 3m individual patient data from various hospitals new knowledge and decision support will be developed to improve patient safety in antibiotic use, to fight the fast emergence of resistances among pathogens.
Digital Health

e-Skills country profiles

In this project for Cisco empirica developed Country Briefs on competitiveness, innovation and ICT skills for many European countries in the format of Executive Briefings.
eSkills & Work

e-Skills Executive Briefings

European e-Skills Statistics – Executive briefing material
eSkills & Work

e-Skills Executive Briefings

European e-Skills Statistics – Executive briefings for Cisco systems.
eSkills & Work

e-Skills NL

The project developed a forecasting of e-Skills demand and supply for the Netherlands. It supplements and is based in its approach on a previous analysis carried out for the EU as a whole and its six largest EU Member States.
eSkills & Work

e-Skills statistics

In this project for Cisco empirica developed education statistics and compiled related data for market intelligence purposes relating to all European countries and beyond.
eSkills & Work

e.Skills Country Profiles

In this project for Cisco empirica developed Country Briefs on competitiveness, innovation and ICT skills for many European countries in the format of Executive Briefings.
eSkills & Work


This study for the European Commission will make a substantial contribution towards accelerating the implementation of the European eHealth Action Plan. The study will actively support ongoing initiatives and implementation work on interoperable EHR and ePrescribing systems.
Digital Health


The EC funded Smart Open Services project will for the first time unite key Member States and industry players in a joint effort to get medical data and prescription information to any doctor in the Union – when and where it is needed, and in comprehensible form.
Digital Health


An advanced telemonitoring approach will be developed to close the loop between patients and professionals, giving appropriate access to monitoring, diagnosis and treatment results and reacting immediately, and adapting personalized care plans.
Digital Health

ICT & Ageing

The main goal of the ICT+Ageing study is to identify and understand the market barriers which currently hinder uptake of ICT for independent living and active ageing in Europe. The study seeks to contribute towards policy action which will effectively tackle existing barriers.
eCare & Ageing
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