
Social Impact ICT

The objective of the study is to explore, document and analyse how ICT impacts on the daily lives of citizens of Europe, and on society at large. The analysis should have a time dimension, distinguishing (and/or anticipating) short term impacts from medium to long-term ones.
Inclusive Society, Research & Innovation


This study carried out in partnership with the European Schoolnet – will provide a comparative analysis report detailing the main strategies for the integration of ICT in primary schools in the EU27, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland, their impact and future development.
Research & Innovation


Value Plus will provide patient organisations with the tools to influence policy-making at EU-level and to participate in EC-funded projects of concern to their constituency. Empirica is supporting these efforts through the statistical analysis of past and ongoing projects.
Digital Health


This project develops a multiscale modelling technology based on conventional diagnostic imaging methods that makes it possible, in a clinical setting, to predict for each patient the strength of his/her bones, and how this strength is likely to change over time.
Digital Health

SeniorWatch II

The SeniorWatch II study is aimed at assessing and measuring changes in the ICT market for older people, which occurred since 2002 when the first SeniorWatch study was conducted, and follow up the developments.
eCare & Ageing

Financing eHealth

the EC’s Directorate General Information Society and Media commissioned a study on “assessment of financing opportunities to support and boost investment in eHealth.” The approach is to uncover opportunities for financing eHealth in the context of overall investment in healthcare
Digital Health


In this study for the E DG INFSO and Media a survey of almost 6,000 primary care physicians on their use of ICT and internet for communication with patients and between primary and secondary care and other health agencies will be carried out in all 27 Member States.
Digital Health




Ausgehend von der Vision eines am Patienten orientierten Gesundheitssystems entwickelt Empirica Szenarien IKT-gestützter Gesundheitsmodelle, die auf kosteneffizienten Gesundheitstechnologien basieren.
Digital Health

SME policies

This study aims to identify policy initiatives supporting e-business activities of small and medium enterprises at a sectoral level in the member states of the European Union and selected other countries (incl. the US, Australia, Japan and China).
Research & Innovation


The SOPRANO project designed and developed highly innovative, context-aware, smart services with natural and comfortable interfaces for older people at affordable cost.
Digital Health, eCare & Ageing


The TEN4Health project contributes towards improved healthcare provision for mobile European Union citizens.
Digital Health
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