

The HealthGrid roadmap, to be developed by the SHARE project, will provide a comprehensive coverage of the RTD domain and the uptake of Grid applications in healthcare, including inter alia infrastructure, security, ethical, legal, financial and economic issues.
Digital Health


TRANSFORM erforscht territoriale “Innovations-Kulturen” und ihren Einfluss auf den Erfolg von Regionen in der Wissensgesellschaft.
Research & Innovation

WING eInclusion study

. The WING project (Watching IST Innovation and Knowledge) will provide a systematic, structured and coherent process of data collection and analysis of the impact of completed IST RTD projects in a number of thematic domains.
Inclusive Society

e-Health ERA

Ziel des Projektes eHealth ERA ist es, die Planung nationaler innovationsausgerichteter Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E) im Bereich elektronischer Gesundheitsdienste (“eHealth”) zu koordinieren.
Digital Health


EPRI-start stimuliert, erhöht und qualifiziert die Teilnahme von KMUs aus den neuen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten im EU TIG Programm, welches von der Generaldirektion Informationsgesellschaft der europäischen Kommission koordiniert wird.
Research & Innovation


Building upon the activities in MS, the results of European RTD, and learning from international efforts, the project will initiate a process for accelerating the deployment of interoperable e-health infrastructures and applications for trans-European use.
Digital Health


the study will identify the risks and opportunities these developments bring with respect to the European social model and outline key elements of a more strategic and integrated policy response.
eCare & Ageing, Inclusive Society


The study will identify the opportunities created by the rapid progress in ICTs with respect to meeting the challenges of the ageing EU population. In particular it will explore whether industry provides products and services which meet the specific requirements of elderly users.
eCare & Ageing

Demographic Change

The aim of this study was to identify clearly the potentials and opportunities created by the rapid progress in information and communication technologies (ICTs) with respect to meeting the challenges of the ageing EU population.
eCare & Ageing

e-BSN Impacts

The European Commission has issued a detailed impact study on 10 e-business policies. The polices were selected by the e-BSN. The study is being carried out by Databank Consulting (Milan) in cooperation with empirica GmbH und IDATE (Montpellier).
Research & Innovation

e-Business Evaluation

Von einander lernen: Mit dem e-Business Support Network (e-BSN) hat die Europäische Kommission ein Netzwerk für Politik im Bereich des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs geschaffen. Im e-BSN tauschen Vertreter aller EU Mitgliedsstaaten ihre Erfahrungen aus.
Research & Innovation

eHealth Impact

Study on Economic Impacts of e-Health. The objectives of this project are: to develop a generic assessment and evaluation framework and method, including measurement tools for quantitative indicators for e-health products.
Digital Health
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