

The goal of this study is to gauge the demand for so called Independent Living Systems (ILS) in Europe’s ageing society.
eCare & Ageing


Eine neue Generation von vernetzten Arbeitsumgebungen (NWEs), basierend auf fortgeschrittene Breitbandinfrastruktur sowie allgegenwärtige Computertechnologie (“ambient computing”), ist im Entstehen begriffen.
eSkills & Work


The core objectives of Q-REC will be to define a Model with harmonised guidelines and procedures for EHR systems certification and to incorporate the formal test plans into a Benchmarking Process Manual for quality labelling and certification of EHR systems across Europe.
Digital Health


This is a joint initiative of European regions initiated by the region of North Rhine-Westphalia. It regards the ageing of our society not as a threat but rather as a challenge and an opportunity for regional economic growth and for improving Europe’s competitiveness.
Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, Research & Innovation


Together with the University of Tampere (Finland) and Synergia (Italy), empirica, Versicherungsverbund “Die Continentale” , Deutsche Bank and SAP has started the Active@Work project to promote Innovative Strategies and Alternative Working Arrangements to Promote Active Ageing.
eSkills & Work


Die Studie wird von Deloitte Business Advisory NV/SA, Belgien, in Kooperation mit empirica durchgeführt. Sie verleiht der Europäischen Kommission und ENISA einen überblick über Fortschritte der EU-25 Mitgliedsstaaten.
Research & Innovation


In diesem Projekt wird der Methodenbericht der o.g. Befragung der nationalen statistischen ämter in den EU-Mitgliedsländern aus dem Jahr 2003, die von EUROSTAT koordiniert wurde, erstellt.
Research & Innovation


Social housing providers belonging to the membership of European association CECODHAS intend to deploy a range of new eBusiness services which engender the trust and confidence of all their users and represent best practice in the field of social housing.


eCare & Ageing, Inclusive Society


eUSER supports the IST programme to achieve its key objectives to put the user and his/her needs at the centre of IST developments. It provides empirical information on key public eServices domains – eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning.
Digital Health, eSkills & Work, Research & Innovation

IST Impact Study

The study’s methodological framework builds on the basic model of causality which considers that RTD projects have downstream consequences that can be described in terms of a range of project outputs.
Digital Health


The MobilAlarm project tested an innovative, location-independent alarm and teleassistance service which enables older people, chronically ill, and other persons at risk to initiate an alarm call whenever and wherever he or she needs or wants to do so.
Digital Health
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