

The European Commission, like the National Science Foundation in the US, has funded the development of e-infrastructures. The major goal of the AVROSS study was to understand the reasons behind the low level of adoption of e-Infrastructures in the social sciences.
Research & Innovation

eSkills Policies

The objectives of the study are “to benchmark existing policies and initiatives in Europe in the field of e-skills and to recommend appropriate legal, financial and institutional frameworks for the development of scalable and sustainable multi-stakeholder partnerships.
eSkills & Work


This contribution by empirica, FHNW (CH) and University Wolverhampton (UK), WP2 of RESCAR, replicates NetReact methodology in a survey of doctoral students and post-docs in social sciences and engineering.
Research & Innovation


This SemanticHEALTH SSA develops a European and global roadmap for deployment and research in health-ICT, focusing on semantic interoperability issues of e-Health systems and infrastructures.
Digital Health


empirica together with TNS Emor as a survey organisation will obtain through teacher and head teacher surveys estimates for the indicator on e-learning “number of pupils per computer with internet connection and relate it to possible uses of ICT in compulsory education.
eSkills & Work, Research & Innovation


This study, carried out by empirica together with DIW (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung), will contribute to proper understanding of the concepts of trust and confidence, the role consumer trust and confidence plays in practice in today’s Information Society.
Research & Innovation

eHealth for Safety

ICT can make a vital contribution to improving the safety of European patients by helping to reduce medical errors and other negative incidents, thereby saving lives, and enhancing efficiency, in particular in the field of risk management in healthcare.
Digital Health


Benchmarking study on policies on multi-stakeholder partnerships for e-skills in Europe.
eSkills & Work

Good eHealth

The objectives of this study are to Identify good practices and their associated benefits; Develop and implement common approaches to wider dissemination and transfer of learning experiences; Stimulate and foster accelerated uptake of eHealth by addressing the common challenges.
Digital Health


Benchmarking Access and Use of ICT in European Schools.
eSkills & Work


The approach outlined in the Communication is to be reviewed within two years, and new measures and – if deemed necessary – new legislation then to be proposed. MeAC is expected to provide both qualitative and quantitative evidence to support this policy decision making.
Inclusive Society


NewGlobal explores the drivers, success factors and impacts of ICT rich collaborative working environments that stretch across the borders of countries. Impact categories analysed include employee self-organisation, nurturing of human capital, and productivity effects.
eSkills & Work
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