
Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, General

Zukunftsmedizin braucht Gesundheitsdaten

Neue Studie: Medizinische Datennutzung in Deutschland in den Kinderschuhen- auch im europäischen Vergleich Private Forschung mit Gesundheitsdaten wird blockiert Pharma-Industrie trotz medizinischer Relevanz außen vor Berlin (vfa). “Damit medizinische Spitzenforschung …

Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, General

DigitalHealthEurope develops recommendations on the European Health Data Space

DigitalHealthEurope, a Coordination and Support Action led by empirica, has published 32 recommendations on the emerging European Health Data Space (EHDS). After almost two years of intense consultations with nearly …

Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, General

DigitalHealthEurope publishes Report on Cloud Technology in Health Data Use

DigitalHealthEurope has published a report on cloud technology in health data use, for DG CNECT, European Commission. Based on a review of over 250 Horizon2020 projects and an expert consultation, …

eSkills & Work, General

empirica organises high-level hybrid conference on Skills in the Post-Covid Era

On behalf of the European Commission, empirica organised the hybrid high-level conference “Upskilling and Reskilling in the Post-Covid Era Fostering New Services and Jobs Creation”, that took place 29: 30 …

General, Research & Innovation

empirica twinning approach featured in the Research*EU magazine as a successful example of innovative digital healthcare technology

empirica project DigitalHealthEurope’s (DHE) twinnings have been featured in the Research*EU magazine as a successful tool for advancing digital transformation in the European healthcare systems in the wake of covid-19 …

eSkills & Work, General

empirica conducts expert workshop on Upskilling for the European Commission

As part of the UpskillingEurope2030 project, on May 18th empirica has carried out a workshop for the European Commission, involving 24 experts from 13 countries. The session consolidated recommendations towards …

eSkills & Work, General

Digital Skills and Jobs Platform launched with empirica’s contribution

A new #Home4DigitalSkills! The Digital Skills and Jobs Platform by the European Commission was officially launched on May 20th. Together with a consortium led by European Schoolnet, empirica contributed in …

Digital Health, General

Precise4Q ‘Digital Stroke Patient Platform’ featured by Innovation Radar as ‘Excellent Innovation’

The EU Innovation Radar Platform has labelled the Precise4Q ‘Digital Stroke Patient Platform’ as an ‘Excellent Innovation’. The cost-effective Digital Stroke Patient Platform (i.e. the Integrated Platform for the Entire …

eSkills & Work, General, Research & Innovation

Final peer-learning workshops in Entrepreneurship Education and Women’s Entrepreneurship shaped policy recommendations

On 9 and 10 March 2021, the final workshops in the COSME-funded project “Peer-learning activities in Entrepreneurship Education and in Women’s Entrepreneurship” took place online. 130 participants from 40 countries …

Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, General

empirica helps select 7 innovative concepts for digitally-supported hypertension care for European health systems

On 1 March 2021 the HSMonitor project launched a first of three phases towards achieving its goal to develop innovative digital solutions to improve the health status and optimise hypertension …

Digital Health, eCare & Ageing, General, Research & Innovation

Legal challenges in using health data: DigitalHealthEurope

Roundtable 2 Within the framework of DigitalHealthEurope, the second roundtable meeting featuring legal challenges of health data use was conducted on the 18th March 2021. Building upon the outcomes of …

eSkills & Work, General

empirica conducts focus group on vision for upskilling

29 experts from 14 countries discussed their vision for upskilling in data-intense services in the fourth online workshop by eSkills2030. Together with ISSIP and PwC Luxembourg, empirica conducted the focus …